Sunday, July 15, 2007


We had a block party this weekend in honor of our neighbors, Justin & Erin and Bo, their boxer. Block parties are a lot of fun in our community. I suppose it is a bit of an oddity to have such close neighbors but it is an oddity that we enjoy. We typically have these get togethers at least twice a year and just love the opportunity to have another party. We live in a cul-de-sac, so we circle up the tables at the end of the block and bring the goodies. The guys grill and the gals chat. We have such a great time catching up on everyone's lives, family, travels, work, etc. At these parties there are always workers and then there are relaxers. I must admit that I am in the last group. While we are not a fussy bunch, it never fails that there will be those who work very hard to set up the perfect event. One of our neighbors is very gracious and usually serves as the host. I hope she enjoys the event as much as the rest of us because she is always taking care of the details!

My favorite part of the block party -- the food. Who can resist all the goodies. I usually bring some sort of dip. This time it was the black bean and corn salsa -- very good. I think that Beth took the prize this time with her Buffalo Chicken dip. It was so good -- it was gone in no time. I have really got to find this recipe. This time they didn't forget the deviled eggs! We always have the grill going and the crowd pleasers are the brauts, asparagus and portabella mushrooms. Wow, and I getting hungry just thinking about all this food! It is a good thing that the dh is in the kitchen now, whipping up some supper!

We are going to miss Justin & Erin. They have been in the neighborhood since we moved in 3 years ago. They have been renting and looking for a place of their own. Real estate in the DC area is crazy, but they have finally found their own home. They are going to have a great place and a wonderful yard for Bo. No more early morning walks with the dog! Tori adores Bo and we are going to miss seeing Erin in the afternoon when they take their walk. Bo always wants to say hello to all the kids (and adults) outside playing.

Justin & Erin we are going to miss you guys -- but you are not going to be too far away. We do expect you to come back for the next block party!

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